Monday, April 16, 2012

In Praise of Quaker Men

Moving out of 62 Haywood Street
The Quaker men have showed up for me, big time. In the aftermath of Rahima's death, they've accompanied me on hikes, done overnights and shared meals with me. Yesterday, they came out in force to help with the move to Woolman Hill.

I am most grateful for the help. Moreover, l am touched by the knowledge that they are answering a direct appeal that Rahima made just after we learned that the cancer had spread.

I will describe that appeal tomorrow. For now, I'm exhausted and headed for bed, in my new digs!

With gratitude,


I attend the Mount Toby Meeting of Friends in Leverett, Massachusetts. Rahima visited there often. What is your experience with the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)?

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