Sunday, April 22, 2012

Maddie's Mermaid

Maddie's Mermaid for Rahima
My children, Ian (18) and Maddie (15), felt at home with Rahima. For this I will always be grateful. They appreciated Rahima's ease, her penchant for fun, and her yen for adventure. They especially enjoyed the constant table games we played and the camping trips we took together.

At Christmas, Maddie made a gift for Rahima: a transparent window hanging of tissue paper cut by hand and glued together that depicts a mermaid swimming in the ocean. This was a month before we knew that Rahima's transition was fast approaching, but the image speaks to me today of Rahima boldly moving through her final passage.

Rahima was intent on including my kids in her dying process, speaking with them personally, giving them gifts and modeling honesty, grace and courage. I couldn't have asked for more in this regard. It was their first experience with the death of a loved one.

Before I hand the keys over to the realtor on Tuesday, I'll take the mermaid down from the kitchen window, and remember times when we were together, happy times.


P.S. I am most grateful to the folks who helped at 62 Haywood Street. Thank you. We did it!

What makes a home and how do you know when you're at home?

1 comment:

  1. This journal entry prompted a friend to write the following reflection which I share here with permission:

    Sense of Home

    traveling inside my heart.

    Prepared to unpack

    and to share

    with a larger community,

    and currently,

    quietly banked.

    Like embers.

